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Debate Question: Could wildlife workers have prevented the elephants’ deaths?

토론기간   ~ 2020-11-15
  1. 찬성,반대의견 중 선택 >> 토론 의견 유형 선택>> 의견 작성 >> 의견 등록

50% 찬성(1건)
50% 반대(1건)
Manager's Pro Opinion

Manager’s Pro Answer: Yes, wildlife workers could have prevented the elephants’ deaths. These elephants are living in protected areas. Wildlife workers often check their situation. As experts, they should have known the threats to the elephants. It is not only poaching. The experts should have known about changes in their environment. Toxic algae blooms are happening more often. If the cause of death was identified sooner, more elephants could have been saved.

Manager's Con Opinion

Manager’s Con Answer: No, wildlife workers could not have prevented the elephants’ deaths. Cyanobacteria is naturally found in water. Yet, some produce toxins that are harmful to animals. Certain weather conditions help to produce poisonous cyanobacteria. The elephants’ deaths were caused by a natural phenomenon. Wildlife workers cannot control this. It could not be avoided. Also, it was not very easy to identify what killed the elephants. A careful and thorough investigation is needed.

  • 조이영

    I agree with that because These elephants are living in protected areas. Wildlife workers must have checked their situation. They should have known the Cyanobacteria would threats the elephants. The experts should have known about changes in their environment and try to help the elephants get away from that. We could have gave vaccine to those or keep them away from the water. More sooner, more elephants would be saved.

    • 임태훈

      No, I don’t think so. What I believe is that they couldn't stand the circumstance. The workers never new what was happening before the scientists went to look for the cause of death.