구독 신청

영자신문 English newspaper

Faroe whale hunts
  •  Oct 10, 2024
Cassowary chick
  •  Oct 09, 2024

자가학습 Self Study

  • Listening
  • Speaking
  • Vocabulary
  • Writing
  • Listening
  • Speaking
  • Vocabulary
  • Writing

영어토론 English discussion

찬성 의견

Manager’s Pro Answer: Yes, election day should be a holiday. Voting is important. Yet, many people are busy with work or school. They find it hard to vote. A holiday would make it easier for people to take part in elections. They will not have a reason to skip.

- Manager's Pros
반대 의견

Manager’s Con Answer: No, election day should not be a holiday. Many people should make time to vote. Also, people can choose to vote early. A holiday will affect businesses because they would have to close. Some people may use the holiday to go on trips and not vote.

- Manager's Cons

나도앵커 I'm an anchor

G7 Italia
  •  Jul 08, 2024
Elephant talk
  •  Jul 03, 2024
Bats, beetles and moths
  •  Jun 21, 2024
Bats, beetles and moths
  •  Jun 21, 2024

카툰보카 Cartoon Voca

  • conflict
    • [ˈkɑːnflɪkt]

    [명사] 투쟁, 다툼, 충돌, 상충

    a serious disagreement