구독 신청

영자신문 English newspaper

Faroe whale hunts
  •  Oct 10, 2024
Cassowary chick
  •  Oct 09, 2024

자가학습 Self Study

  • Listening
  • Speaking
  • Vocabulary
  • Writing
  • Listening
  • Speaking
  • Vocabulary
  • Writing

영어토론 English discussion

찬성 의견

Manager’s Pro Answer: Yes, it is too late to stop glaciers from melting. In recent years, temperatures in many high mountain areas have been rising. The glaciers in the Alps are an example. Many glaciers are melting or shrinking quickly. This will be very hard to stop or slow down.

- Manager's Pros
반대 의견

Manager’s Con Answer: No, it is not too late to stop glaciers from melting. It is still possible to slow down global warming. Now, many people care about the environment. They try to reduce pollution. For example, people can use clean energy. They can also plant more trees. These are just some of the ways to slow down climate change.

- Manager's Cons

나도앵커 I'm an anchor

G7 Italia
  •  Jul 08, 2024
Elephant talk
  •  Jul 03, 2024
Bats, beetles and moths
  •  Jun 21, 2024
Bats, beetles and moths
  •  Jun 21, 2024

카툰보카 Cartoon Voca

  • compare
    • [kəmˈper]

    [동사] 비교하다, 대조하다, ~에 견주다

    describe as similar.