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The Wilkins' bunting is a small bird. It lives only on Nightingale Island. This small island is in the South Atlantic Ocean. It is uninhabited. A few years ago, researchers feared that the birds might become extinct. Now, they believe Wilkins' buntings are not in danger anymore. A type of wasp saved them.The Wilkins’ buntings eat fruit and seeds from myrtle shrubs. About 13 years ago, scientists saw that the shrubs were dying. The sap-sucking insects made the plants sticky and weak. Then, the shrubs die. The insects are not native to Nightingale Island. Researchers believe visitors accidentally brought them there. In 2021, the wasps were taken to the island from Britain. They help control the insects. The wasps lay eggs inside the insects. The young wasps eat the insects from the inside. This kills the insects.A few years ago, the researchers began a project to save the birds. One part of the project was to bring wasps to the island. Another part was to plant more myrtle shrubs. Today, there are 60 to 90 pairs of Wilkins’ buntings on the island. The researchers believe the project has saved the birds from extinction.
Manager’s Con Answer: No, it is not important for students to learn about Chopin’s music. Chopin lived a long time ago. His music can be too hard to understand. Students can focus on music that they like. They can still enjoy and learn from other kinds of music.
Manager’s Pro Answer: Yes, it is important for students to learn about Chopin's music. Chopin was an important and a great composer. His music is beautiful. Learning about Chopin can help students understand history. They can appreciate beautiful compositions.