샘플체험 영어토론



Debate Question: hould scientists continue to look for life on other planets or moons?

토론기간  2020-09-08 ~ 2020-10-07
  1. 찬성,반대의견 중 선택 >> 토론 의견 유형 선택>> 의견 작성 >> 의견 등록

60% 찬성(3건)
40% 반대(2건)
Manager's Pro Opinion

Manager’s Pro Answer: Yes, scientists should continue to look for life on other planets or moons. This has been the goal of space exploration. While they are looking for life, scientists will make new discoveries. They can gather extra information. Then, scientists will better understand the Universe and our own planet.

Manager's Con Opinion

Manager’s Con Answer: No, scientists should not continue to look for life on another planet or moon. This is not very important. Scientists can explore the Universe. Yet, they should do this to better understand it. Scientists should focus more on keeping the Earth a safe planet for its people.

  • 김우현

    Yes, I think they should be looking for life on other planets. I say this because there might be a possibility that life exists on other planets. Given the evidence that on youtube and Ceres. In Ceres, there is salty water and ice. Plus the scientists say that there might be a possibility that the microbes can be living in that salty water.

  • 김윤하

    NO, I don't think so. The world is struggling because of the coronavirus. We should try to not go anywhere but our home. We cannot make other people sick. If scientists work together, it would make the COVID 19 worse. I don't agree that scientists should research more about space and plants. But I do agree that they could do that when the COVID 19 is over. It will be a good technology information.

    • 김우현

      I think you are out of the topic about our debate question. Because we are discussing looking for life on other planets or moons.Not about coronavirus. Besides, there might be a possibility that there might be life on other planets or moons. Cere's microbes prove that. Lastly I what you mean by technology information. Because of this I disagree.

    • 김윤하

      YES!!!!! I know that we are talking about searching about moons and plants. But scientists are searching for it. And while they are searching, they could get the coronavirus. They could spread the viruses and people could get it too. Because of this, I disagree.

    • 김동욱

      But they can find a way to work alone nd talk online. Then they won't get effected to the Covid 19. For example, they can get imformation from the space telescopes and study and research about them. When they found something special, they can talk on the phone or meet on online. Don't you think so?