Notre-Dame decision
노트르담 결정
- Notre-Dame decision
- Notre-Dame is in Paris, France’s capital city.
- Building work on the famous cathedral began 850 years ago.
- It finished 200 years later.
- Paris is popular.
- Many tourists stay in the city.
- Each year, about 13 million people visit Notre-Dame.
- In 2019, a fire began inside Notre-Dame’s old roof.
- Over 400 fire-fighters fought the flames.
- The fire destroyed the wooden roof and central spire.
- The fire-fighters saved the buildings stone walls and glass windows.
- Many people gathered to watch the fire.
- They were shocked and sad.
- Companies and people gave money to rebuild the roof.
- Emmanuel Macron is France’s president.
- He said a new roof would be completed within five years.
- Some people said that Notre-Dame needed a new roof design.
- They suggested a glass roof, a roof garden or a swimming pool on the roof.
- A group of experts is organizing the rebuilding.
- They decided not to change the roof design.
- The new roof will be a copy of the old roof.
- The work may take 15 years to complete.